Running 10K

On running 10K

Today I ran a 10k (10 kilometers, a quarter of a marathon) sponsored by Vienna Running Club in Virginia. I did not prepare actively and only looked up the recommended schedule for it the day before (which convinced me I shouldn’t try a half-marathon that’s doubled the distance). What I did was essentially 1) making sure I was not tired/injured (by not running for the past 3 days), 2) drinking lots of water the day before, and 3) getting a good night sleep. I had been running up for around 5-6 miles at least weekly at around 9 mins/mile pace prior, so my plan was to just keep moving below that pace for the entire duration as much as possible.

10K route and pace

Route and pace of 10K from Strava

Generally, I am satisfied with my results. I was with the fast group until around 4 miles when we started going thru hills (which was much more exhausting to me than other runners). I was aware that we sped up after 2 miles (around the turn to Gallows road), but it was easy to keep up as the road was mostly flat. I slowed down a lot around miles 4-5 especially for the hills with steep incline. I plan to work on that along with interval running. I feel tired but happy after the run.

On running with others during COVID-19:

I have been running outdoor every Tuesday with the group since early Summer. I think it is relatively safe compared with indoor sports. Otherwise, I wasn’t very motivated to run (instead I walked with my mom almost every other day).

I think I need the companionship/peer pressure to push myself to exercise more. I don’t socialize much after the run (due partly to COVID-19, my hearing, laziness, and simram), but just having people working towards the same goal is motivating to my mind, especialy for tasks I generally dislike. I have been working on this during meditation.

On Exercise

I will make another post on the exercise routine I’m failing to follow. It is essentially:

  • running 3x/week
  • bodyweight+core 3x/week (so far I’m only doing this maybe 0.5x/week)
  • yoga 1-2x/week

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