CMU Career Fair

I attended the virtual career fair hosted by CMU from 9/14-9/16. I think the whole process was helpful but inefficient for finding the job, as most recruiters just linked us their sites for dropping our resumes. After spending around 5 hours across 3 days, I was able to have just 5 1-1 chat (either by video/audio/chat) with the recruiters (so it’s 1 recruiter/hour). As a lot of people pointed out, the process would be significantly improve with a built-in queue, limited idle time, wait room (for rooms that are full), etc.

I am not sure if I should get some more experience in the industry first before committing to the startup. I think it depends on how my current startup goes (which I will write about in another post).

I will go through the process, i.e., get career help from CMU career center, network, apply for jobs, interviews, etc. partly to familiarize myself with the process. And who knows? I might find a job that I like.

I have two main criteria for careers: 1) to make enough money to become financially independent so I can spend more time to meditate. 2) to benefit humanity (ideally by helping us understand ourselves better). I will highly prefer to work for a humane tech (headspace,, etc.) over techs that profits more from our lower senses / addictive online behaviors (games, videos, etc.).

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