Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python Course Review

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Today I finished a short online course on Advanced Algorithmics and Graph Theory with Python. I took this course since 1) I thought it was a good review on graph theory, 2) I knew python, and 3) I had met with one of the instructors at graph signal processing workshop.

Overall, I think it is very well organized and easy to follow course. I was familiar with a good amount of the content before taking the course, and found most of the material to be review and at intermediate or beginning levels. The course seems to be helpful as an interview prep for graph-related questions than research. No knowledge of advanced math required.


  • Easy to follow
  • Recorded + untimed * Untimed (went at my own pace, completed the last 2 modules in 2 days)
  • Short succinct modules (each module takes less than an hour)
  • Separate modules
  • Free to audit
  • Immediate feedback (for quizzes and labs)
  • Since I’m auditing the course, grades are mostly for self-check/motivation.

So far, only slightly annoyance is missing the method signature for A_B in lab 6 (had to debug to find out).

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